I'll look into it. But Create Water isn't a spell he can cast, it's an innate racial ability. And I'm not sure using a spell that fails to work really counts as 'overcoming a problem.'
Correct, which is why I added the 10% in the sub-total of his XP.
Otherwise, he'd have received 2,465 XP for each class.
Here are my notes for the chapter:
Title and ThemeThe title of this chapter, Serenity, referred to the name of the city they are in. But it also showed that things were not as 'serene' there as the name might have suggested.
NightmaresOnly Kalana and Jaeron received nightmares, because they were the only ones I could find anything really traumatic in their backstories. Although some of the others did have bad things happen in their pasts, they didn't seem terribly affected by them, so I didn't count them.
Red HawksAs earlier stated, the Red Hawks were trying to bait the party into a fight. Had the party actually fought them (and even worse, killed them), Aguru would have been furious. He told the party four times not to use violence (which made it all the funnier that somehow Horizons thought he gave them permission to use violence if they wanted). Aguru not only would have refused to pay the party, he would have insisted they pay for the raisings of the ones they kill, which would have sunk the party into even further debt!
Bayla Who?I created Bayla as a potential henchman for any PC who was interested. However, in the weeks they sailed together, nobody showed the slightest hint of interest in her as a person. So I figured nobody liked her, which is fine. Not every NPC catches the party's interest. So I quietly removed her. And it had seemed like the party had all forgotten about her, until they eventually remembered she existed (but seemed to have forgotten where she had gone or where they had last seen her). Now, suddenly, everyone is talking about what a valuable and well-liked part of the crew she is, so...now I don't know what to think. I imagine she's just as confused as I am about it. Anyway, the party can always try to re-hire her later on, but they shouldn't feel obligated to.
Involving the SheriffAs the party was quick to involve the sheriff, everything they did was on the up and up. They could have proceeded without him, and in doing so would have been able to take all of the coin from each battle with the Crimson Wolves, but anyone they killed would be raised at the temple and the sheriff would have been furious at them for taking the law into their own hands (especially if things had gone poorly).
Johannas' DeathWhat were the odds of Johannas being struck by two crits in a row, both dealing 15 damage? Well, I suppose it was a convenient way to write him out of the story, although it would have been better if he had survived longer than that.
Vox MachinaNot sure if anyone noticed, but as a sort of in-joke, all of Aguru's deputies were named after the players from Critical Role: Johnson (Ashley), Riegal (Sam), Ray (Marisha) and Mercer (Matt). I've been watching the first campaign lately, so they were on my mind when I had to suddenly come up with some minor character names.
Nameless WizardWe never did learn the wizard's name, but the party now has a new enemy. Perhaps this will be their primary goal when they leave Serenity? Or maybe hunting him down will be put on the backburner for now. I'm honestly not sure what the party plans to do once they finish in the city, so I guess we'll see when the time comes.
Divine Favor UpdatesKalana gained favor with Octhanus for dealing with the Red Hawks non-violently. Jaeron and Imrich both earned favor from Gonto for immediately wanting to get the sheriff involved when they stumbled upon the Crimson Wolf operation. Imrich also gained favor from Renos for using an unconscious body as a shield, and for using an unconscious body as a projectile. He also got favor from Crizza for using that final Hold Person against the party's wishes to give up.
Party GoalsKalana
01. Redeem herself through doing good deeds (though it might not ever been enough).
02. Confront Tethys.
03. Return to Shadowshore to face the music of what she did there.
04. Get to know Toven better.
05. Help Julak and Toven solve the mystery of the zombie plant people.
Kalana tried and failed to work on her first goal, which I'm sure she will beat herself up over later. Did you want to change, add to or remove any goals from this list?
01. Find a way to visit his child at least once a year.
02. Keep in touch with Athel and his old guild. Maybe run some errands for the guild while traveling the seas.
03. Explore new continents.
04. Advance in command on the Blue Lightning.
05. Meet the Son of Crizza.
06. Meet Senrik.
Senllip did not make any progress toward any of these goals this chapter. Did you want to change, add to, or remove any goals from this list?
01. Check back in on Samwen and the church.
02. See more of the life at sea, as well as document more of other cultures/the adventures of the Blue Lightning.
03. See more new places.
04. Meet others of the Gonto church in other lands and learn their histories.
Jaeron did not make any progress toward any of these goals this chapter. Did you want to change, add to, or remove any goals from this list?
01. Gather as much information on the Son of Crizza as possible.
02. Consult with his family about the Son of Crizza.
03. Take down the Son of Crizza.
04. Investigate the undersea war.
05. Consult with family about the Dictator of Gunn.
06. Take down the Dictator of Gunn (without causing mass chaos).
07. Strike against slavers and pirates.
08. Take down a major slaver or pirate organization.
09. Protect Immerfort.
10. Take down criminal mages.
Imrich attempted goal 10, but ultimately the wizard got away. Did you want to change, add to, or remove any goals from this list?
I'll throw up the new chapter tomorrow.