BDW - Character Stats
Nov 20, 2023 8:13:54 GMT -8
Post by Daos on Nov 20, 2023 8:13:54 GMT -8
Sha'alzek (Played by TristenC)
Male Dimernesti Mariner 5 (TN - Godless)
STR 12, DEX 17 (+2 reac, +2 missile, -3 AC), CON 13, INT 14, WIS 7 (-1 mag def), CHA 10, Age 121, HT 5'6", WT 105 lbs
HP: 38/38
THAC0: 16 (+2 projectiles, +1 tridents, +1 javelins, +1 masterwork weapon,-2 non-proficient)
AC: 7 (2 masterwork hide armor, 1 with masterwork shield)
Dmg: Gaff Hook (1d4/1d3) [Sp 4, Type P], Harpoon 1H (1d4+1/1d6+1)/2H (2d4/2d6) [Sp 7, Type P, Range 1/2/3], Javelin 1H (1d4/1d4)/2H (1d6/1d6) [Sp 4, Type P, Range 2/4/6], Net (0/0) [Sp 10, Type N/A, Range 1/2/3], Dagger (1d4/1d3) [Sp 2, Type P, Range 1/2/3], Masterwork Trident 1H (1d6+2/3d4+1)/2H (1d8+2/3d4+1) [Sp 7, Type P, Range 0/1/2]
ROF: Gaff Hook (1/1), Harpoon (1/1), Javelin (1/1), Net (1/1), Dagger (1/1), Trident (1/1)
XP: 21,993/32,000
Saves: PPDM 11, RSW 13 (+3 DEX), PP 12, BW 13 (+3 DEX), S 14 (-1 WIS)
Racial Abilities: Quick but Weak (+1 DEX/-1 STR), Infravision (60' on land; 360' underwater), Surprise Bonus (-4), Sleep/Charm Resistance (90%), Trident/Javelin Affinity (+1 to hit), Pass concealed/secret door (1 on 1d6), Search secret door (1,2 on 1d6), Search concealed door (1-3 on 1d6), Waterbreathing, Limited on Land (cannot exceed 10th level if on dry land), Shapechange Sea Otter (3/day)
Class Abilities: Freedom of the Seas (cannot be LG), Mariner Weaponry (must take Cutlass, Belaying Pin or Gaff Hook), Mariner Proficiency (Free Rope Use, Seamanship and Tumbling), Mariner Equipment (cannot wear metal armor), Move Silently (50%), Hide in Shadows (45%), Detect Noise (20%), Climb Walls (75%), Bad Reputation, Sailor Lore (25%), Fighting Dirty (+2 dmg once per opponent), Back-to-Back (-1 AC when defending while standing next to ally)
Kit Abilities: None
Special Abilities: None
WP: Tight Group Spears [Harpoon, Javelin, Spear, Longspear, Trident], Gaff, Net, Short Sword
NWP: Direction Sense (WIS+1), Fire-Building (WIS-1), Fishing (WIS-1), Navigation (INT-2), Riding Sea-based (DEX-2), Rope Use (DEX 0), Seamanship (DEX+1), Survival [Underwater] (INT 0), Swimming (STR 0), Tumbling (DEX 0)
Languages: Common, Dimernesti, Elven, Gnomish, Undersea Common
Head - Shark leather cap
Neck - Bare
Torso - Shirt, masterwork shark hide armor [30 lbs], sashling with hook for pouches [1 lb], gaff hook with cork on point [2 lbs], quiver [1 lb], giant tortoise shell shield [10 lbs], masterwork giant tortoise shell shield [10 lbs]
Hands - Shark leather gloves, masterwork trident [5 lbs], trident +1 [5 lbs]
Waist - Slop breeches, small sack [0.1 lbs], small pouch [0.5 lbs]
Feet - Soft boots, sheathed dagger [1 lb]
Small Pouch - flint and steel [0.1 lb], silver fishhook (x10) [0.1 lb], small silver mirror 2x3" [0.1 lb]
Quiver: Javelin (x3) [2 lbs each], harpoon [6 lbs]
Backpack 01: Roll-top waterproof shark-skin, dry rations (1 meal) [1 lb], grappling hook [4 lbs], wineskin (empty) [1 lbs], wineskin (full) [5 lbs], good cloth cloak, fishing net 10 sq' [5 lbs], spare shirts (x2), spare slop breeches (x2), silk rope (50') [8 lbs], combat net [10 lbs]
Backpack 02: Fishing net 10 sq' [5 lbs], masterwork shark leather armor [15 lbs]
Small Sack: Coin (5 GP, 21 SP, 5 IP, 1 BP, 109 STL, 1 PP) [2.8 lbs]
Total Weight: 51.7 lbs (Light Encumbrance)
Movement: 12, SW 15 (-4 encumbrance)
Encumbrance: 0-45 lbs is no encumbrance, 46-69 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 70-93 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 94-117 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 118-140 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (Dark Squall): Backpack 02 [2 lbs], 220 SP [4.4 lbs], 407 BP, Treasure (782 STP) [8 lbs] (Ferd): Glowing footman's mace [10 lbs], backpack 01 [2 lbs]
Granker Thunderhorn (Played by Dallion80)
Male Minotaur Gladiator 5 (LE - Sargonnas)
STR 16 (+1 dmg), DEX 13, CON 15 (+1 HP), INT 13, WIS 8, CHA 7 (-2 reac), Age 25, HT 7'4", WT 315 lbs
HP: 39/39
THAC0: 16 (+1 katar specialization, +1 masterwork weapon, -2 non-proficient)
AC: 7 (5 with Samnite [splint mail])
Dmg: Masterwork Katar Sword (1d6+6/1d4+6) [Spd 3, Type P/S], Masterwork Mandoll (1d4+4/1d3+4) [Spd 2, Type P/S/B], Forpann (1d8+2/3d6+1] (Spd 8, Type P], Horns (2d4+1) [Spd 6, Type P]
ROF: Katar Sword (3/2), Mandoll (1/1), Forpann (1/1), Duel-Wielding Katar and Mandoll (5/2), Horns (1/1)
XP: 22,916/32,000
Saves: PPDM 11, RSW 12, PP 11, BW 13, S 14
Racial Abilities: Strong but Arrogant (+2 STR/CON, -2 WIS/CHA) Thick Hide (AC 7), Warrior Weapon Specialization, Large Sized
Class Abilities: Weapon Specialization [Katar], XP Bonus (10%)
Kit Abilities: Gladiator Weaponry (must learn gladius, trident and net), Gladiator Proficiency (Charioteering and Tumbling are free), Gladiator Equipment (must begin play with gladiator armor), Free Weapon Specialization (must be bow, cestus, dagger, drusus, lasso, net, scimitar, short sword, spear, trident or whip), Easily Recognized, Promoter/Manager Interference
Special Abilities: Incite Berserker Rage
WP: Katar Sword (specialized), Gladius, Forpann, Two Weapon Fighting Style, Ambidexterity
NWP: Blind-Fighting (N/A), Charioteering (DEX +2), Endurance (CON +2), Intimidation (STR/CHA 0), Seamanship (DEX +1), Swimming (STR 0), Tumbling (DEX 0)
Languages: Common, Kothian, Dwarven
Head - Galea [5 lbs]
Neck - Baladrana
Torso - Surcoat, leather cuirass [20 lbs], backpack [2 lbs], forpann (strapped to back) [12 lbs]
Hands - Manicae [5 lbs], masterwork mandoll [2 lbs]
Waist - Belt, loin cloth, large belt pouch [1 lb], masterwork katar sword with scabbard [2 lbs], katar +1 [2 lbs]
Feet - Leather fasciae [5 lbs]
Backpack - Flint and steel [0.1 lb], winter blanket [3 lbs], wineskin (4 pints) [5 lbs]
Small Belt Pouch - Coin (3 CP, 5 GP, 235 SP, 1 IP, 408 BP, 97 STL) [14.8 lbs]
Large Belt Pouch - Fishing hooks (x2), whetstone [1 lb]
Total Weight: 63.1 lbs
Movement: 12
Encumbrance: 0-70 lbs is no encumbrance, 71-100 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 101-130 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 131-160 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 161-195 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (Dark Squall) Small belt pouch [0.5 lbs] (Ferd) Dry rations (6 meals) [6 lbs], torches (x5) [5 lbs], wineskin (5 pints) [6 lbs], grappling hook [4 lbs], hemp rope (50') [20 lbs], Treasure (1,404 STP)
Sumina Umbra (Played by HorizonsDream)
Female Half-Elf Holy Order of the Stars 4 (NE - Sargonnas)
STR 14, DEX 15 (-1 AC), CON 10, INT 5, WIS 16 (+2 mag def), CHA 13 (+1 reac), Age 23, HT 5’5”, WT 187 lbs
HP: 16/27 (-2 pierce, -9 pierce)
THAC0: 18 (+1 masterwork weapon, -3 non-proficient)
AC: 9 (2 masterwork banded mail)
Dmg: Masterwork Two-Handed Sword (1d10+1/3d6+1) [Spd 7/Type S], Sheaf Arrow (1d8/1d8) [Spd 7, Type P, Range 5/10/15], Footman's Mace (1d6+1/1d6) [Spd 7, Type B]
ROF: Two-Handed Sword (1/1), Short Bow (2/1), Mace (1/1)
XP: 12,521/15,250 (Priest)
Saves: PPDM 9, RSW 13, PP 12, BW 15, S 14 (+2 WIS)
Racial Abilities: Half-Elf Grace (+2 DEX), Sleep/Charm Resistant (30%), Infravision (60'), Pass Concealed Door (1 on 1d6), Search Secret Door (1,2 on 1d6), Search Concealed Door (1,2,3 on 1d6)
Class Abilities: Always Evil (must be Evil in alignment), Good Combat Abilities (Any weapons, any armor and shield), Divine Casting [Sargonnas] (Major: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Fire, Summoning, War; Minor: Creation, Protection, Sun; Extra: Resist Fire, Know/Obscure Alignment), Turn Undead (4th level), Vengeance Vigor, Enemy of Weakness, XP Bonus (+10%)
Kit Abilities: None
Special Abilities: Can cast Strength upon herself with the mace 1/day for 10 minutes with a 5% of shifting alignment to LE
WP: Two-Handed Sword, Short Bow, Two-Handed Weapon Style Specialization
NWP: Alertness (WIS+1), Intimidation (STR 0/CHA 0), Persuasion (CHA 0), Reading/Writing [Common] (INT+1), Religion (WIS 0), Swimming (STR 0)
Languages: Abanasinian, Common
Head – Leather cap
Neck – Medallion of Faith [0.1 lb]
Torso – Blouse, masterwork banded mail [35 lbs], backpack [2 lbs], quiver [1 lbs], masterwork two-handed sword [15 lbs], black and silver mace [10 lbs]
Hands – Leather gloves
Waist – Skirt, sturdy belt, small belt pouch [0.5 lbs], component pouch [0.5 lbs]
Feet – Leather boots
Quiver: Short bow [2 lbs], sheaf arrows (x23) [2.3 lbs]
Backpack: Dry rations (4 meals) [4 lbs], waterskin (0 pints) [1 lb], winter blanket [3 lbs], coin (4 GP, 3 CP, 4 SP, 8 BP, 54 STL) [1.2 lbs], black robe with silver 'v'
Small Belt Pouch 01: (Empty)
Small Belt Pouch 02: Spell components [1 lb]
Total Weight: 78.6 lbs (Light Encumbrance)
Movement: 12 (-4 encumbrance)
Encumbrance: 0-55 lbs is no encumbrance, 56-85 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 86-115 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 116-145 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 146-170 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (The Dark Squall): 220 SP [4.4 lbs], 400 BP [8 lbs], Treasure (1,400 STP)
Spells: (1) Bless/Curse, Call Upon Faith, Combine, Command, Courage, Detect Evil/Detect Good, Endure Cold/Endure Heat, Light/Darkness, Magical Stone, Morale, Protection from Evil/Protection from Good, Purify Food & Drink, Remove Fear/Cause Fear, Ring of Hands/Ring of Woe, Sanctuary, Speak with Astral Traveler, Sunscorch (2) Chant, Create Holy Symbol, Draw Upon Holy Might, Emotion Perception, Enthrall, Hold Person, Know Alignment/Obscure Alignment, Mystic Transfer, Rally, Resist Fire, Sanctify, Spiritual Hammer, Withdraw
Memorized Spells:
Strength: 0/1
1st Level: Bless, Curse, Cause Fear, Protection from Evil, Command
2nd Level: Draw Upon Holy Might, Enthrall, Rally, Spiritual Hammer
Kaelestia (Played by Matt4)
Female Irda Holy Order of the Stars 4 (TN - Chislev)
STR 13, DEX 11, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 16 (+2 mag def), CHA 15 (+3 reac), Age 57, HT 6'0", WT 160 lbs
HP: 21/24 (-3 pierce)
THAC0: 18 (+1 Magic Scimitar, -3 non-proficient)
AC: 10 (5 masterwork hide, 4 w/o shield)
Dmg: Magic Scimitar (1d8+1/1d8+1) [Spd 4, Type S], Sling Bullet (1d4+1/1d6+1) [Spd 6, Type B, Range 5/10/20]
ROF: Scimitar (1/1), Sling (1/1)
XP: 8,744/15,250 (Disciple)
Saves: PPDM 9, RSW 13, PP 12, BW 15, S 14 (+2 WIS)
Racial Abilities: Brilliant/Graceful/Beautiful/Fainting Nature (+1 DEX/INT/CHA, -3 CON), Shapechanging, Extra Spell (Highest Level)
Class Abilities: Perfect Balance (must be TN in alignment), Druidic Combat Abilities (sling, club, sickle, dart, spear, dagger, scimitar and no metal armor), Divine Spellcasting [Chislev] (Major access to All, Animal, Elemental, Healing, Plants, Sun and Weather; Minor access to Charm, Combat, and Guardian), XP Bonus (10%)
Kit Abilities: None
Special Abilities: None
WP: Scimitar, Sling, Single Weapon Style Specialization
NWP: Etiquette (CHA 0), Healing (WIS-2+1), Herbalism (INT-2), Spellcraft (INT-2)
Languages: Kolshet, Common, Elven
Head - Hide cap
Neck - Medallion of Faith [0.1 lb]
Torso - Tunic, masterwork hide armor [30 lbs], backpack [2 lbs]
Hands - Hide gloves
Waist - Wool pants, sturdy belt, sheathed scimitar +1 [4 lbs], component pouch [0.5 lbs]
Feet - Hide boots
Small Belt Pouch - Coin (6 CP, 10 GP, 6 SP, 9 BP, 67 STL, 10 PP) [2 lbs]
Component Pouch: Spell components [1 lb]
Backpack: Sling [0.1 lb], sling bullets (10) [5 lbs], flint and steel [0.1 lb], candles (x5) [0.1 lb each], Potion of Water Breathing (2 doses) [1 lb]
Total Weight: 43.5 lbs
Movement: 12
Encumbrance: 0-45 lbs is no encumbrance, 46-69 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 70-93 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 94-117 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 118-140 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (Ferd): Dry rations (6 meals) [6 lbs], bedroll [8 lbs], waterskin (5 pints) [6 lbs], bunch of penny bell mushrooms (Dark Squall): Small barrel [30 lbs] containing salted meat [14 lbs], 230 SP [4.4 lbs], 407 BP [8 lbs], Habbakuk Staff [4 lbs], small belt pouch [0.5 lbs], Treasure (1,400 STP)
Spells: (1) Allergy Field, Animal Friendship, Beastmask, Bless/Curse, Combine, Command, Create Water/Destroy Water, Cure Light Wounds/Cause Light Wounds, Detect Evil/Detect Good, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Float, Invisibility to Animals, Light/Darkness, Locate Animals or Plants, Log of Everburning, Magical Stone, Pass Without Trace, Pressure Resistance, Puffball, Purify Food & Drink/Putrefy Food & Drink, Recover Trail, Remove Fear/Cause Fear, Revitalize Animal, Sacred Guardian, Shillelagh, Sunscorch, Whisperward (2) Animal Spy, Barkskin, Beastspite, Chant, Charm Person or Mammal, Cure Moderate Wounds, Dust Devil, Enthrall, Fire Trap, Flame Blade, Fortifying Stew, Gift of Speech, Goodberry/Badberry, Heat Metal/Chill Metal, Hold Person, Messenger, Mystic Transfer, Obscurement, Produce Flame, 15' Radius Silence, Sanctify/Defile, Slow Poison, Snake Charm, Speak with Animals, Spiritual Hammer, Trip, Warp Wood, Wyvern Watch
Memorized Spells:
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Faerie Fire, Light, Cure Light Wounds
2nd Level: Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, 15' Radius Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds
Krenari (Kaelestia's Jaguar Companion)
AC: 6
MV: 15
HD: 4+1 (HP: 20/20)
THAC0: 17
Atks: 3/1
Dmg: Claw (1d3), Bite (1d8), Rear Claw (1d4+1)
Morale: 10
Equipment: N/A
Encumbrance: 0 lbs
Notes: Female; INT 2 (knows Attack, Stay, Come, Heel, Guard and one more); six feet long (M); can only be surprised on a 1; can leap 30’ to attack; if both of her forepaws strike she will rake with her two rear claws, as well; takes damage as L-sized creature
Parra Karovass (Played by Igordragonian)
Female Minotaur Savage Wizard 3 (LE - Nuitari)
STR 12, DEX 11, CON 18 (+2 HP), INT 17, WIS 9, CHA 5 (-3 reac), Age 30, HT 6'9", WT 336 lbs
HP: 15/15
THAC0: 20 (-5 non-proficient)
AC: 7
Dmg: Shatang (1d6+2/1d8+2) [Spd 6, Type P/S, Range 2/3/5), Horns (2d4) [Spd 6, Type P]
ROF: Shatang 1/1, Horns 1/1
XP: 9,623/10,000 (Initiate)
Saves: PPDM 14, RSW 11, PP 13, BW 15, S 12
Racial Abilities: Strong but Arrogant (+2 STR/CON, -2 WIS/CHA) Thick Hide (AC 7), Warrior Weapon Specialization, Large Sized
Class Abilities: Wizard Arsenal (limited to dagger, staff, darts, knives, slings and cannot use shields or wear armor), Arcane Magic, XP Bonus (+10%)
Kit Abilities: Tribal Weapon (proficient with one weapon of choice from tribe), Free Proficiencies (Direction Sense or Weather Sense, Endurance or Survival), Equipment Limitations (only weapon can start with is weapon of choice; cannot start with advanced items, must spend all coin before play), Voodoo Doll (once a week, can create voodoo doll of one victim that contains hair, fingernail or other fragment of victim; takes one hour to make; damage to doll causes 1d4 dmg to victim regardless of distance if on same plane; doll is destroyed if takes 10 dmg or more, dispel magic is used on it, or a week after its creation), Strange Mannerisms (-2 reaction from all NPCs not of tribe), Lower Starting Wealth
Special Abilities: None
WP: Shatang
NWP: Ancient History [Age of Dreams] (INT-1), Ancient Language [Kolshet] (INT 0), Cantrips (INT-2), Cartography (INT-2), Herbalism (INT-2), Endurance (CON 0), Navigation (INT-2), Reading/Writing [Kothian] (INT+1), Seamanship (DEX+1), Spellcraft (INT-2), Weather Sense (WIS-1), Swimming (STR 0)
Languages: Kothian, Common, Magius, Ogre, Abyssal, Camptalk
Head - Bare
Neck - Bare
Torso - Blouse, backpack [2 lb], shatang [4 lbs], shatang [4 lbs], shatang [4 lbs]
Hands - Bare
Waist - Wool skirt, sturdy belt, component pouches (x4) [1 lb each], dagger [1 lb]
Feet - Bare
Backpack: Candles (x2) [0.2 lbs], chalk (x2) [0.2 lbs], fishhook, iron pot [2 lbs], vial of ink [0.1 lb], waterskin (6 pints) [7 lbs], papyrus sheet (x1), beginner's spellbook (67/100 pgs) [5 lbs], coin (4 CP, 5 GP, 9 SP, 1 BP, 12 STL, 71 PP) [1.9 lbs], ogre tooth, spell scroll (Defoliate, Energy Drain) [1 lb], miscellaneous herbs [1 lb], handful of clay [1 lb], handful of human teeth and finger bones, couple of large spider pincers, bone spell scroll (Lightning Bolt, Polymorph Self) [1 lb], 1 gemstone (500 STL), dry rations (11 meals) [11 lbs], medicinal herbs [1 lb]
Total Weight: 51.2 lbs (Light Encumbrance)
Movement: 12 (-4 Encumbrance)
Encumbrance: 0-45 lbs is no encumbrance, 46-69 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 70-93 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 94-117 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 118-140 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (The Dark Squall): 220 SP [4.4 lbs], 407 BP [8 lbs], Treasure (1,400 STP)
Spells: (1) Audible Glamer, Burning Hands, Change Self, Detect Magic, Firewater, Identify, Jump, Lasting Breath, Read Magic, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Spook (2) Bind, Blindness, Choke, Deep Eyes, ESP, Invisibility, Withstand Water
Memorized Spells:
Cantrips: 6/6
1st Level: Firewater, Magic Missile
2nd Level: Choke
Party Pool: 4 GP, 2 SP, 2 STL and 4 PP, 15 gems, Luckstone, Potions of Heroism, Invulnerability, Extra-Healing, Fire Breath and Healing
Male Dimernesti Mariner 5 (TN - Godless)
STR 12, DEX 17 (+2 reac, +2 missile, -3 AC), CON 13, INT 14, WIS 7 (-1 mag def), CHA 10, Age 121, HT 5'6", WT 105 lbs
HP: 38/38
THAC0: 16 (+2 projectiles, +1 tridents, +1 javelins, +1 masterwork weapon,-2 non-proficient)
AC: 7 (2 masterwork hide armor, 1 with masterwork shield)
Dmg: Gaff Hook (1d4/1d3) [Sp 4, Type P], Harpoon 1H (1d4+1/1d6+1)/2H (2d4/2d6) [Sp 7, Type P, Range 1/2/3], Javelin 1H (1d4/1d4)/2H (1d6/1d6) [Sp 4, Type P, Range 2/4/6], Net (0/0) [Sp 10, Type N/A, Range 1/2/3], Dagger (1d4/1d3) [Sp 2, Type P, Range 1/2/3], Masterwork Trident 1H (1d6+2/3d4+1)/2H (1d8+2/3d4+1) [Sp 7, Type P, Range 0/1/2]
ROF: Gaff Hook (1/1), Harpoon (1/1), Javelin (1/1), Net (1/1), Dagger (1/1), Trident (1/1)
XP: 21,993/32,000
Saves: PPDM 11, RSW 13 (+3 DEX), PP 12, BW 13 (+3 DEX), S 14 (-1 WIS)
Racial Abilities: Quick but Weak (+1 DEX/-1 STR), Infravision (60' on land; 360' underwater), Surprise Bonus (-4), Sleep/Charm Resistance (90%), Trident/Javelin Affinity (+1 to hit), Pass concealed/secret door (1 on 1d6), Search secret door (1,2 on 1d6), Search concealed door (1-3 on 1d6), Waterbreathing, Limited on Land (cannot exceed 10th level if on dry land), Shapechange Sea Otter (3/day)
Class Abilities: Freedom of the Seas (cannot be LG), Mariner Weaponry (must take Cutlass, Belaying Pin or Gaff Hook), Mariner Proficiency (Free Rope Use, Seamanship and Tumbling), Mariner Equipment (cannot wear metal armor), Move Silently (50%), Hide in Shadows (45%), Detect Noise (20%), Climb Walls (75%), Bad Reputation, Sailor Lore (25%), Fighting Dirty (+2 dmg once per opponent), Back-to-Back (-1 AC when defending while standing next to ally)
Kit Abilities: None
Special Abilities: None
WP: Tight Group Spears [Harpoon, Javelin, Spear, Longspear, Trident], Gaff, Net, Short Sword
NWP: Direction Sense (WIS+1), Fire-Building (WIS-1), Fishing (WIS-1), Navigation (INT-2), Riding Sea-based (DEX-2), Rope Use (DEX 0), Seamanship (DEX+1), Survival [Underwater] (INT 0), Swimming (STR 0), Tumbling (DEX 0)
Languages: Common, Dimernesti, Elven, Gnomish, Undersea Common
Head - Shark leather cap
Neck - Bare
Torso - Shirt, masterwork shark hide armor [30 lbs], sashling with hook for pouches [1 lb], gaff hook with cork on point [2 lbs], quiver [1 lb], giant tortoise shell shield [10 lbs], masterwork giant tortoise shell shield [10 lbs]
Hands - Shark leather gloves, masterwork trident [5 lbs], trident +1 [5 lbs]
Waist - Slop breeches, small sack [0.1 lbs], small pouch [0.5 lbs]
Feet - Soft boots, sheathed dagger [1 lb]
Small Pouch - flint and steel [0.1 lb], silver fishhook (x10) [0.1 lb], small silver mirror 2x3" [0.1 lb]
Quiver: Javelin (x3) [2 lbs each], harpoon [6 lbs]
Backpack 01: Roll-top waterproof shark-skin, dry rations (1 meal) [1 lb], grappling hook [4 lbs], wineskin (empty) [1 lbs], wineskin (full) [5 lbs], good cloth cloak, fishing net 10 sq' [5 lbs], spare shirts (x2), spare slop breeches (x2), silk rope (50') [8 lbs], combat net [10 lbs]
Backpack 02: Fishing net 10 sq' [5 lbs], masterwork shark leather armor [15 lbs]
Small Sack: Coin (5 GP, 21 SP, 5 IP, 1 BP, 109 STL, 1 PP) [2.8 lbs]
Total Weight: 51.7 lbs (Light Encumbrance)
Movement: 12, SW 15 (-4 encumbrance)
Encumbrance: 0-45 lbs is no encumbrance, 46-69 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 70-93 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 94-117 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 118-140 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (Dark Squall): Backpack 02 [2 lbs], 220 SP [4.4 lbs], 407 BP, Treasure (782 STP) [8 lbs] (Ferd): Glowing footman's mace [10 lbs], backpack 01 [2 lbs]
Granker Thunderhorn (Played by Dallion80)
Male Minotaur Gladiator 5 (LE - Sargonnas)
STR 16 (+1 dmg), DEX 13, CON 15 (+1 HP), INT 13, WIS 8, CHA 7 (-2 reac), Age 25, HT 7'4", WT 315 lbs
HP: 39/39
THAC0: 16 (+1 katar specialization, +1 masterwork weapon, -2 non-proficient)
AC: 7 (5 with Samnite [splint mail])
Dmg: Masterwork Katar Sword (1d6+6/1d4+6) [Spd 3, Type P/S], Masterwork Mandoll (1d4+4/1d3+4) [Spd 2, Type P/S/B], Forpann (1d8+2/3d6+1] (Spd 8, Type P], Horns (2d4+1) [Spd 6, Type P]
ROF: Katar Sword (3/2), Mandoll (1/1), Forpann (1/1), Duel-Wielding Katar and Mandoll (5/2), Horns (1/1)
XP: 22,916/32,000
Saves: PPDM 11, RSW 12, PP 11, BW 13, S 14
Racial Abilities: Strong but Arrogant (+2 STR/CON, -2 WIS/CHA) Thick Hide (AC 7), Warrior Weapon Specialization, Large Sized
Class Abilities: Weapon Specialization [Katar], XP Bonus (10%)
Kit Abilities: Gladiator Weaponry (must learn gladius, trident and net), Gladiator Proficiency (Charioteering and Tumbling are free), Gladiator Equipment (must begin play with gladiator armor), Free Weapon Specialization (must be bow, cestus, dagger, drusus, lasso, net, scimitar, short sword, spear, trident or whip), Easily Recognized, Promoter/Manager Interference
Special Abilities: Incite Berserker Rage
WP: Katar Sword (specialized), Gladius, Forpann, Two Weapon Fighting Style, Ambidexterity
NWP: Blind-Fighting (N/A), Charioteering (DEX +2), Endurance (CON +2), Intimidation (STR/CHA 0), Seamanship (DEX +1), Swimming (STR 0), Tumbling (DEX 0)
Languages: Common, Kothian, Dwarven
Head - Galea [5 lbs]
Neck - Baladrana
Torso - Surcoat, leather cuirass [20 lbs], backpack [2 lbs], forpann (strapped to back) [12 lbs]
Hands - Manicae [5 lbs], masterwork mandoll [2 lbs]
Waist - Belt, loin cloth, large belt pouch [1 lb], masterwork katar sword with scabbard [2 lbs], katar +1 [2 lbs]
Feet - Leather fasciae [5 lbs]
Backpack - Flint and steel [0.1 lb], winter blanket [3 lbs], wineskin (4 pints) [5 lbs]
Small Belt Pouch - Coin (3 CP, 5 GP, 235 SP, 1 IP, 408 BP, 97 STL) [14.8 lbs]
Large Belt Pouch - Fishing hooks (x2), whetstone [1 lb]
Total Weight: 63.1 lbs
Movement: 12
Encumbrance: 0-70 lbs is no encumbrance, 71-100 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 101-130 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 131-160 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 161-195 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (Dark Squall) Small belt pouch [0.5 lbs] (Ferd) Dry rations (6 meals) [6 lbs], torches (x5) [5 lbs], wineskin (5 pints) [6 lbs], grappling hook [4 lbs], hemp rope (50') [20 lbs], Treasure (1,404 STP)
Sumina Umbra (Played by HorizonsDream)
Female Half-Elf Holy Order of the Stars 4 (NE - Sargonnas)
STR 14, DEX 15 (-1 AC), CON 10, INT 5, WIS 16 (+2 mag def), CHA 13 (+1 reac), Age 23, HT 5’5”, WT 187 lbs
HP: 16/27 (-2 pierce, -9 pierce)
THAC0: 18 (+1 masterwork weapon, -3 non-proficient)
AC: 9 (2 masterwork banded mail)
Dmg: Masterwork Two-Handed Sword (1d10+1/3d6+1) [Spd 7/Type S], Sheaf Arrow (1d8/1d8) [Spd 7, Type P, Range 5/10/15], Footman's Mace (1d6+1/1d6) [Spd 7, Type B]
ROF: Two-Handed Sword (1/1), Short Bow (2/1), Mace (1/1)
XP: 12,521/15,250 (Priest)
Saves: PPDM 9, RSW 13, PP 12, BW 15, S 14 (+2 WIS)
Racial Abilities: Half-Elf Grace (+2 DEX), Sleep/Charm Resistant (30%), Infravision (60'), Pass Concealed Door (1 on 1d6), Search Secret Door (1,2 on 1d6), Search Concealed Door (1,2,3 on 1d6)
Class Abilities: Always Evil (must be Evil in alignment), Good Combat Abilities (Any weapons, any armor and shield), Divine Casting [Sargonnas] (Major: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Fire, Summoning, War; Minor: Creation, Protection, Sun; Extra: Resist Fire, Know/Obscure Alignment), Turn Undead (4th level), Vengeance Vigor, Enemy of Weakness, XP Bonus (+10%)
Kit Abilities: None
Special Abilities: Can cast Strength upon herself with the mace 1/day for 10 minutes with a 5% of shifting alignment to LE
WP: Two-Handed Sword, Short Bow, Two-Handed Weapon Style Specialization
NWP: Alertness (WIS+1), Intimidation (STR 0/CHA 0), Persuasion (CHA 0), Reading/Writing [Common] (INT+1), Religion (WIS 0), Swimming (STR 0)
Languages: Abanasinian, Common
Head – Leather cap
Neck – Medallion of Faith [0.1 lb]
Torso – Blouse, masterwork banded mail [35 lbs], backpack [2 lbs], quiver [1 lbs], masterwork two-handed sword [15 lbs], black and silver mace [10 lbs]
Hands – Leather gloves
Waist – Skirt, sturdy belt, small belt pouch [0.5 lbs], component pouch [0.5 lbs]
Feet – Leather boots
Quiver: Short bow [2 lbs], sheaf arrows (x23) [2.3 lbs]
Backpack: Dry rations (4 meals) [4 lbs], waterskin (0 pints) [1 lb], winter blanket [3 lbs], coin (4 GP, 3 CP, 4 SP, 8 BP, 54 STL) [1.2 lbs], black robe with silver 'v'
Small Belt Pouch 01: (Empty)
Small Belt Pouch 02: Spell components [1 lb]
Total Weight: 78.6 lbs (Light Encumbrance)
Movement: 12 (-4 encumbrance)
Encumbrance: 0-55 lbs is no encumbrance, 56-85 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 86-115 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 116-145 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 146-170 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (The Dark Squall): 220 SP [4.4 lbs], 400 BP [8 lbs], Treasure (1,400 STP)
Spells: (1) Bless/Curse, Call Upon Faith, Combine, Command, Courage, Detect Evil/Detect Good, Endure Cold/Endure Heat, Light/Darkness, Magical Stone, Morale, Protection from Evil/Protection from Good, Purify Food & Drink, Remove Fear/Cause Fear, Ring of Hands/Ring of Woe, Sanctuary, Speak with Astral Traveler, Sunscorch (2) Chant, Create Holy Symbol, Draw Upon Holy Might, Emotion Perception, Enthrall, Hold Person, Know Alignment/Obscure Alignment, Mystic Transfer, Rally, Resist Fire, Sanctify, Spiritual Hammer, Withdraw
Memorized Spells:
Strength: 0/1
1st Level: Bless, Curse, Cause Fear, Protection from Evil, Command
2nd Level: Draw Upon Holy Might, Enthrall, Rally, Spiritual Hammer
Kaelestia (Played by Matt4)
Female Irda Holy Order of the Stars 4 (TN - Chislev)
STR 13, DEX 11, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 16 (+2 mag def), CHA 15 (+3 reac), Age 57, HT 6'0", WT 160 lbs
HP: 21/24 (-3 pierce)
THAC0: 18 (+1 Magic Scimitar, -3 non-proficient)
AC: 10 (5 masterwork hide, 4 w/o shield)
Dmg: Magic Scimitar (1d8+1/1d8+1) [Spd 4, Type S], Sling Bullet (1d4+1/1d6+1) [Spd 6, Type B, Range 5/10/20]
ROF: Scimitar (1/1), Sling (1/1)
XP: 8,744/15,250 (Disciple)
Saves: PPDM 9, RSW 13, PP 12, BW 15, S 14 (+2 WIS)
Racial Abilities: Brilliant/Graceful/Beautiful/Fainting Nature (+1 DEX/INT/CHA, -3 CON), Shapechanging, Extra Spell (Highest Level)
Class Abilities: Perfect Balance (must be TN in alignment), Druidic Combat Abilities (sling, club, sickle, dart, spear, dagger, scimitar and no metal armor), Divine Spellcasting [Chislev] (Major access to All, Animal, Elemental, Healing, Plants, Sun and Weather; Minor access to Charm, Combat, and Guardian), XP Bonus (10%)
Kit Abilities: None
Special Abilities: None
WP: Scimitar, Sling, Single Weapon Style Specialization
NWP: Etiquette (CHA 0), Healing (WIS-2+1), Herbalism (INT-2), Spellcraft (INT-2)
Languages: Kolshet, Common, Elven
Head - Hide cap
Neck - Medallion of Faith [0.1 lb]
Torso - Tunic, masterwork hide armor [30 lbs], backpack [2 lbs]
Hands - Hide gloves
Waist - Wool pants, sturdy belt, sheathed scimitar +1 [4 lbs], component pouch [0.5 lbs]
Feet - Hide boots
Small Belt Pouch - Coin (6 CP, 10 GP, 6 SP, 9 BP, 67 STL, 10 PP) [2 lbs]
Component Pouch: Spell components [1 lb]
Backpack: Sling [0.1 lb], sling bullets (10) [5 lbs], flint and steel [0.1 lb], candles (x5) [0.1 lb each], Potion of Water Breathing (2 doses) [1 lb]
Total Weight: 43.5 lbs
Movement: 12
Encumbrance: 0-45 lbs is no encumbrance, 46-69 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 70-93 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 94-117 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 118-140 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (Ferd): Dry rations (6 meals) [6 lbs], bedroll [8 lbs], waterskin (5 pints) [6 lbs], bunch of penny bell mushrooms (Dark Squall): Small barrel [30 lbs] containing salted meat [14 lbs], 230 SP [4.4 lbs], 407 BP [8 lbs], Habbakuk Staff [4 lbs], small belt pouch [0.5 lbs], Treasure (1,400 STP)
Spells: (1) Allergy Field, Animal Friendship, Beastmask, Bless/Curse, Combine, Command, Create Water/Destroy Water, Cure Light Wounds/Cause Light Wounds, Detect Evil/Detect Good, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Float, Invisibility to Animals, Light/Darkness, Locate Animals or Plants, Log of Everburning, Magical Stone, Pass Without Trace, Pressure Resistance, Puffball, Purify Food & Drink/Putrefy Food & Drink, Recover Trail, Remove Fear/Cause Fear, Revitalize Animal, Sacred Guardian, Shillelagh, Sunscorch, Whisperward (2) Animal Spy, Barkskin, Beastspite, Chant, Charm Person or Mammal, Cure Moderate Wounds, Dust Devil, Enthrall, Fire Trap, Flame Blade, Fortifying Stew, Gift of Speech, Goodberry/Badberry, Heat Metal/Chill Metal, Hold Person, Messenger, Mystic Transfer, Obscurement, Produce Flame, 15' Radius Silence, Sanctify/Defile, Slow Poison, Snake Charm, Speak with Animals, Spiritual Hammer, Trip, Warp Wood, Wyvern Watch
Memorized Spells:
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Faerie Fire, Light, Cure Light Wounds
2nd Level: Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, 15' Radius Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds
Krenari (Kaelestia's Jaguar Companion)
AC: 6
MV: 15
HD: 4+1 (HP: 20/20)
THAC0: 17
Atks: 3/1
Dmg: Claw (1d3), Bite (1d8), Rear Claw (1d4+1)
Morale: 10
Equipment: N/A
Encumbrance: 0 lbs
Notes: Female; INT 2 (knows Attack, Stay, Come, Heel, Guard and one more); six feet long (M); can only be surprised on a 1; can leap 30’ to attack; if both of her forepaws strike she will rake with her two rear claws, as well; takes damage as L-sized creature
Parra Karovass (Played by Igordragonian)
Female Minotaur Savage Wizard 3 (LE - Nuitari)
STR 12, DEX 11, CON 18 (+2 HP), INT 17, WIS 9, CHA 5 (-3 reac), Age 30, HT 6'9", WT 336 lbs
HP: 15/15
THAC0: 20 (-5 non-proficient)
AC: 7
Dmg: Shatang (1d6+2/1d8+2) [Spd 6, Type P/S, Range 2/3/5), Horns (2d4) [Spd 6, Type P]
ROF: Shatang 1/1, Horns 1/1
XP: 9,623/10,000 (Initiate)
Saves: PPDM 14, RSW 11, PP 13, BW 15, S 12
Racial Abilities: Strong but Arrogant (+2 STR/CON, -2 WIS/CHA) Thick Hide (AC 7), Warrior Weapon Specialization, Large Sized
Class Abilities: Wizard Arsenal (limited to dagger, staff, darts, knives, slings and cannot use shields or wear armor), Arcane Magic, XP Bonus (+10%)
Kit Abilities: Tribal Weapon (proficient with one weapon of choice from tribe), Free Proficiencies (Direction Sense or Weather Sense, Endurance or Survival), Equipment Limitations (only weapon can start with is weapon of choice; cannot start with advanced items, must spend all coin before play), Voodoo Doll (once a week, can create voodoo doll of one victim that contains hair, fingernail or other fragment of victim; takes one hour to make; damage to doll causes 1d4 dmg to victim regardless of distance if on same plane; doll is destroyed if takes 10 dmg or more, dispel magic is used on it, or a week after its creation), Strange Mannerisms (-2 reaction from all NPCs not of tribe), Lower Starting Wealth
Special Abilities: None
WP: Shatang
NWP: Ancient History [Age of Dreams] (INT-1), Ancient Language [Kolshet] (INT 0), Cantrips (INT-2), Cartography (INT-2), Herbalism (INT-2), Endurance (CON 0), Navigation (INT-2), Reading/Writing [Kothian] (INT+1), Seamanship (DEX+1), Spellcraft (INT-2), Weather Sense (WIS-1), Swimming (STR 0)
Languages: Kothian, Common, Magius, Ogre, Abyssal, Camptalk
Head - Bare
Neck - Bare
Torso - Blouse, backpack [2 lb], shatang [4 lbs], shatang [4 lbs], shatang [4 lbs]
Hands - Bare
Waist - Wool skirt, sturdy belt, component pouches (x4) [1 lb each], dagger [1 lb]
Feet - Bare
Backpack: Candles (x2) [0.2 lbs], chalk (x2) [0.2 lbs], fishhook, iron pot [2 lbs], vial of ink [0.1 lb], waterskin (6 pints) [7 lbs], papyrus sheet (x1), beginner's spellbook (67/100 pgs) [5 lbs], coin (4 CP, 5 GP, 9 SP, 1 BP, 12 STL, 71 PP) [1.9 lbs], ogre tooth, spell scroll (Defoliate, Energy Drain) [1 lb], miscellaneous herbs [1 lb], handful of clay [1 lb], handful of human teeth and finger bones, couple of large spider pincers, bone spell scroll (Lightning Bolt, Polymorph Self) [1 lb], 1 gemstone (500 STL), dry rations (11 meals) [11 lbs], medicinal herbs [1 lb]
Total Weight: 51.2 lbs (Light Encumbrance)
Movement: 12 (-4 Encumbrance)
Encumbrance: 0-45 lbs is no encumbrance, 46-69 lbs is light encumbrance (-4 movement), 70-93 lbs is moderate encumbrance (-6 movement, -1 hit), 94-117 is heavy encumbrance (-8 movement, -2 hit, +1 AC), 118-140 is severe encumbrance (-11 movement, -4 hit, +3 AC)
Stowed Gear: (The Dark Squall): 220 SP [4.4 lbs], 407 BP [8 lbs], Treasure (1,400 STP)
Spells: (1) Audible Glamer, Burning Hands, Change Self, Detect Magic, Firewater, Identify, Jump, Lasting Breath, Read Magic, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Spook (2) Bind, Blindness, Choke, Deep Eyes, ESP, Invisibility, Withstand Water
Memorized Spells:
Cantrips: 6/6
1st Level: Firewater, Magic Missile
2nd Level: Choke
Party Pool: 4 GP, 2 SP, 2 STL and 4 PP, 15 gems, Luckstone, Potions of Heroism, Invulnerability, Extra-Healing, Fire Breath and Healing