Post by Ezeze on Jan 24, 2018 7:25:11 GMT -8
"What is there to imply?" The question is rhetorical, directed at Theron, and intended to shut down the argument before it really begins - she does not anticipate a reply. Walking back down the tunnel towards the elevator gives her excuse to impose herself between the two men. She holds her shield at her side so that it 'accidentally' blocks their views of one another. She'll play peacekeeper for as long as it is needed.
"Exploring further down means using the elevator, which means splitting into two groups again. Theron, Jherek, Lillian, Garnet, Ingot - are you still okay with going down first? I'd like to move quickly."
Post by Daos on Jan 24, 2018 10:09:26 GMT -8
Finbul opens his mouth to give a biting retort, but is interrupted when Katya physically shields them from each other. Shrugging, he turns away. "Whatever. Let's get going already."
Ingot seems to snap out of his reverie, and nods slowly but does not say anything. Instead, he starts walking back to the lift to operate it.
The lift is exactly as they left it, still held in place by the brake Ingot had set. He steps up onto the platform and waits for the group to do so as well before pulling the lever.
Post by Jherek Everfull on Jan 24, 2018 14:16:21 GMT -8
“Yeah, It still makes sense for us to be the first group down in the dark.” Jherek moves to take his place on the lift, axes readied and waiting. He turns to wave Theron and Lillian forward. “Come on friends, lets get this done with.”
Post by HorizonsDream on Jan 24, 2018 15:29:16 GMT -8
Ladonna follows after the group once again, since she is part of the second group that goes down the lift. "You know," she says, glancing towards Theron. "I was always a little curious as to why you try to put on a magic act in a town that doesn't like magic?"
Post by notARobot on Jan 24, 2018 18:05:52 GMT -8
Theron continues glaring in Finbul's direction through Katya's shield, but complies with her efforts to make peace and holds his tongue. He marches back in the direction of the elevator with the rest of the group, his expression a little sullen until Ladonna's question diverts his attention. "You know," she says, glancing towards Theron. "I was always a little curious as to why you try to put on a magic act in a town that doesn't like magic?" Theron takes his time before responding, as though carefully composing the answer in his head. "In my view," he finally says, "the simple coin tricks I perform for tavern patrons and genuine sorcery have very little in common, apart from the colloquial appellation 'magic'. My usual audience at the Goblin's Tooth seem to agree, and as far as I can tell, there is very little danger of anyone in Buho confusing the two." After a brief pause, he chuckles and adds, "Well, except maybe Rolf. But that one was my fault...got a bit carried away with the dramatics on the day of the festival." "As for why I do it..." There's another brief pause as his voice trails off, and he offers Ladonna a shrug. "I seem to have a knack for it, and it's less effort than finding real work." He becomes quiet as the party reaches the lift, and proceeds to board the platform with the others who can see in the dark. Then he squats down in one corner of the strange contraption, appearing to be mentally preparing himself for the nausea he expects when the platform starts moving again.
Post by Nuke on Jan 24, 2018 18:31:22 GMT -8
Ryan follows behind Ingot, showering the way with light. "Same series as before." He says
Post by Daos on Jan 25, 2018 13:42:47 GMT -8
"Gonto teaches that...hard work is its own...reward," Ingot states. "To try and...avoid it, you rob yourself...and your community...of value." Once Jherek, Garnet, Theron and Lillian are on the platform, he begins lowering it again. The others remain on the second level, Ryan's light keeping them from being enveloped in darkness. Ωνκ͵ζξχ͵ωζπκψ͵τσ͵ζ͵νκζϋξκχ͵ιζσπσκψψ͵ζψ͵ωνκ͵ςκθνζσξθζρ͵θτσωχζυωξτσ͵ρτόκχψ͵ωνκ͵υζχωώ͵ψωξρρ͵ικκυκχ͵ξσωτ͵ωνκ͵κζχων͵Ζλωκχ͵ζητϊω͵ωκσ͵ςτχκ͵λκκω͵τλ͵ικψθκσω͵ωνχτϊμν͵ψτρξι͵χτθπ͵ωνκ͵υρζωλτχς͵ζμζξσ͵λξσιψ͵ξωψκρλ͵ιζσμρξσμ͵ξσ͵τυκσ͵ζξχΐ͵ζ͵λκό͵λκκω͵λϊχωνκχ͵ζσι͵ωνκώ͵ζχκ͵ρκϋκρ͵όξων͵ωνκ͵λρττχ͵τλ͵ζ͵ψφϊζχκ͵χττς͵ζητϊω͵Έ΅͵λκκω͵ζθχτψψ͵όξων͵ζ͵υζψψζμκ͵κύωκσιξσμ͵κζψωόζχι͵ξσωτ͵ωνκ͵ηρζθπσκψψ͵Λτχωϊσζωκρώ͵ωνκώ͵ςζώ͵νζϋκ͵στ͵σκκι͵ωτ͵ικψθκσι͵λϊχωνκχ͵λτχ͵ωνκ͵όξσθν͵ςκθνζσξψς͵νζψ͵τσρώ͵ζ͵λκό͵λκκω͵τλ͵χτυκ͵͵χκςζξσξσμ͵ζσι͵ωνκ͵ιχξυυξσμ͵τλ͵όζωκχ͵θζσ͵ηκ͵νκζχι͵λχτς͵ηκσκζων͵ωνκ͵υρζωλτχς͵ζω͵ωνξψ͵ρκϋκρΑηχΓΑηχΓΩνκχκ͵ξψ͵τωνκχόξψκ͵στωνξσμ͵τλ͵ξσωκχκψω͵ξσ͵ωνκ͵ξςςκιξζωκ͵ζχκζØ
Post by Ezeze on Jan 25, 2018 15:01:50 GMT -8
Katya lingers at the mouth of the tunnel, keeping an eye out for belated danger drawn by the noise they made with her shield slung loosely on her arm.
When the platform is lowered out of range she complains, half to herself; "once we have survived the Soul Eater we can focus on the real challenge - not killing each other."
Post by HorizonsDream on Jan 25, 2018 17:01:26 GMT -8
"There are quite a few misunderstandings, if you like to call them that, going on," Ladonna says to Katya as she waits. "Everyone is on edge though at this point, so it makes sense that a few of us would snap at one another every once in awhile."
Post by notARobot on Jan 25, 2018 19:36:06 GMT -8
Post by Daos on Jan 26, 2018 15:56:17 GMT -8
Bloody Spears Lair 2F (Ladonna, Ryan, Katya, Finbul) "What do you think this soul eater thing is? Is it even real?" Finbul asks.
Bloody Spears Lair 3F (Theron, Jherek, Lillian, Garnet, Ingot) The room is square shaped and pitch black, and completely silent aside from whatever noise the party is making. "Should I...retrieve the others?" asks Ingot. "Is it...safe?" He's completely blind in the darkness, and cannot see anything at all.
Post by Nuke on Jan 26, 2018 16:15:56 GMT -8
"I think is a spell caster, arcane or divine, I do not know." Ryan answers
Post by Ezeze on Jan 26, 2018 18:55:41 GMT -8
"I don't know" Katya admits. "Could be something nasty the goblins wanted to warn each other about. Could just be their name for this place. Could even be that the carving is generations old and doesn't actually mean anything anymore."
"Acolyte Glunn has, I think, spent more time reading than anyone else I've ever known. I wish it had occurred to me to ask if she had any idea before she went down with the others."
"As for whether it's real or not?" She gives that more thought before she answers. "I don't know that it changes what needs to be done either way."
Post by notARobot on Jan 27, 2018 15:10:32 GMT -8
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Post by HorizonsDream on Jan 27, 2018 15:14:56 GMT -8