LSO OOC Thread
Jul 16, 2019 15:55:11 GMT -8
Post by Daos on Jul 16, 2019 15:55:11 GMT -8
I don't think Combine would be of much help. It lets you combine the power of multiple clerics together to empower a spell, but as Jaeron is the only cleric of Gonto on the ship, he wouldn't have anyone to combine with.
Idea, Moment, Sanctify, Choose Future, Line of Protection, Rigid Thinking, Strength of One and Telehaumaturgy are from the Tome of Magic:
Idea (Divination)
Sphere: Thought
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell stimulates the priest's mind to experience a flash of insight. In game terms, the DM reminds the priest's player of a fact or event that has been forgotten, overlooked, or discounted. Thus, the DM might remind the player about an important clue that the priest discovered but the player did not consider significant.
If there are no forgotten facts, the DM may, at his discretion, tell the player of new information relevant to the condition at hand.
The DM must be careful in adjudicating use of this spell. The reminder or information should always be relevant and useful but should not be unbalancing to the situation. The reminder can be cryptic, depending on the DM's campaign.
The material component is a gold coin. This spell can be cast only once in any six hour period.
Moment (Divination)
Sphere: Numbers
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Theoretically, every action has a particular moment at which it will have its greatest possible effect. Using the arcane mathematics of this spell, the priest can determine the "ideal moment" for any single action in each round that the spell is in effect. This action must be performed by a character other than the priest.
In practice, another character informs the priest of an action he wants to undertake in a round. The priest concentrates on the action, then informs the character when the "correct moment" has come. The character then gains a bonus of 20% (+4 on a d20) to the success of his action. The spell can affect only a single action in a given round. When used in combat, the priest can advise the best moment to initiate an action (affecting initiative) or what moment offers the greatest success in striking (affecting the chance to hit).
If the character seeks advice concerning initiative, he gains a -2 modifier to the initiative roll, but only at the cost of -2 on his chance to hit. Characters who seek the best attack frequently delay their actions. These characters suffer a +1 on their initiative roll but gain a +4 on their chance to hit. The spell cannot affect the amount of damage caused, since the act (striking) has already succeeded at that point.
Characters are not obliged to wait for the moment specified by the priest. For example, a fighter might decide that striking first is more important than gaining +4 to hit. The character can act normally, based on his or her unmodified initiative. The character gains no bonus from the moment spell, and the priest can affect no other action in that round.
Noncombat actions can also benefit from the moment spell. For example, a thief planning to climb a wall may wait to start her climb until the priest informs her that the moment is right. If she waits, she gains a bonus of 20% to her Climb Walls roll (in this case, the bonus is subtracted from her roll).
While concentrating on this spell, the priest can take no other action. A break in the priest's concentration--taking damage in combat, for example--terminates the spell instantly.
The material component is a set of three silver dice, which the priest tosses in his hand while concentrating on the spell. The dice are not consumed in the casting.
Sanctify (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible
Sphere: All
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10 yard 0 10 yard square/priest
Saving Throw: None
This cooperative spell allows the priests to create a beneficial atmosphere within a specified area. Companions of similar alignment to the casters will feel fortified and encouraged while in the sanctified area. The spell can be cast by a single priest or a group of priests.
After casting sanctify, the affected area is imbued with the deity's majesty. For followers of that deity, the area radiates a holy aura. These followers gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against all fear- and charm-based powers. Persons of the same alignment as the caster but of different faiths gain a +1 to saving throws. The effect applies only as long as the characters remain in the sanctified area.
Creatures intent on harming the priest or his followers suffer a -1 on saving throws vs. fear and charm when on sanctified ground.
Undead creatures within the area are easier to turn; any priest standing on sanctified ground turns undead as if he were one level higher.
Although this spell can be cast by a single priest, it is most effective when cast by several priests at once. The duration of the spell is equal to one round per level of the caster. When several priests cast the spell, the level of the most powerful priest is used, with two rounds added for every contributing priest. Thus, one 8th-level and three 6th-level priests would give the spell a duration of 14 rounds (8+2+2+2).
Sanctify is often used in conjunction with focus to protect the grounds of a temple or encourage men defending a castle.
The material components are the priest's holy symbol and a handful of dirt from the grounds of an existing temple of the same faith.
The reverse of this spell, defile, functions in an identical manner with respect to saving throws for charm and fear. However, priests standing on defiled ground who attempt to turn undead do so at one level lower than their current level.
The material components for the reverse are the priest's holy symbol and a handful of earth from a grave.
Choose Future (Divination)
Sphere: Time
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
In the round immediately following the casting of this spell, the affected creature is allowed two rolls for any normal attack roll, initiative roll, or saving throw. The affected creature can then choose the roll he prefers.
For example, a priest casts choose future on a warrior companion. In the next round, the warrior attacks an enemy with his sword. The warrior makes two attack rolls instead of one, then chooses which roll will determine the outcome of his attack.
The material components are two grains of sand and a rose petal.
Line of Protection (Abjuration) Reversible
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 30-yard line
Saving Throw: Neg.
This cooperative spell requires at least two priests to cast the spell simultaneously. During the casting, the priests determine whether the line will be stationary or portable.
If the spell is stationary, each priest must inscribe a magical sigil on parallel facing surfaces, such as facing walls of a gatehouse or two tree trunks. If the spell is portable, the priests must stand at each end of the line, thereby anchoring it.
After the spell is cast, a shimmering field of force appears between the two anchors (the sigils or priests). The field is 10 feet high and sparkles with energy. Objects on the opposite side of the translucent field, while recognizable, are hazy and indistinct.
The field causes 1d3 points of damage to all creatures passing through it; evil creatures and undead suffer 1d8 points of damage from the field. Creatures that roll a successful saving throw suffer no damage. Creatures that can fly over the field, burrow under it, or teleport to the other side are immune to damage.
If the spell is cast in its portable form, the priests can move at half their movement rates (limited to the rate of the slower priest). The priests can take no other action, since all their energy is spent in walking and maintaining the field.
Once created, the field cannot be increased or decreased in length and must remain straight. The priests could maneuver by pivoting, but could not walk toward each other or bend the field around a corner. If the line of sight between the two priests is blocked by any object of greater than 5' diameter, the spell immediately fails. Thus, creatures, low walls, young trees, pillars, and similar objects will not disrupt the spell.
As a cooperative spell, several priests can link together to create a longer field. Each priest (or sigil) forms the end of one field and the beginning of another, much like fenceposts. Each section of the spell must extend in a straight line, but the field can be bent at each junction. Four priests could form a long line, a square, or a Z pattern. The restrictions on moving the fields apply as outlined above. The DM may apply movement penalties depending on the complexity of the pattern.
The material components are the priests' croziers, staves, or religious standards, held aloft by each caster.
The reverse of this spell, line of destruction, causes 1d3 damage to all creatures passing through it. It causes 1d8 damage to paladins and creatures of good alignment who pass through it. Creatures that roll a successful saving throw suffer no damage.
Rigid Thinking (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Law
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Rigid thinking can be cast only upon a creature with Intelligence of 3 or greater. The creature is allowed a saving throw to avoid the effects.
The creature affected by rigid thinking is incapable of performing any action other than the activity he is involved in when the spell takes effect. The creature's mind simply cannot decide on another course of action--it becomes frozen into a single thought and cannot change even if new circumstances would suggest otherwise. Thus, a warrior fighting a kobold will ignore the arrival of a beholder, and a thief picking a lock will pay no heed to the arrival of three guards.
The affected creature does not mechanically repeat the action; he is not an automaton. He will not continue to fire his bow at a dragon if he runs out of arrows, but will choose another means of attacking the dragon to the exclusion of all other activities.
A spellcaster in the process of casting a spell when rigid thinking takes effect will not attempt to repeat the spell (unless the spell has been memorized more than once). The spellcaster will, however, devote his attention to the target of that spell until his goal is met (e.g., if the caster were attacking a creature, he would continue to direct attacks at that creature; if the caster were trying to open a door, he would continue to work on the door until it opens).
The spell expires when the creature accomplishes his goal (i.e., the kobold is killed or the lock is opened) or when the duration of the spell has ended.
Strength of One (Alteration)
Sphere: Law
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 2d6 rounds
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature+1creature/2 levels
Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell on a group of lawful creatures, the priest imbues each creature with a Strength bonus equal to that of the strongest creature in the group. To be affected by the spell, all creatures must touch the hand of the priest at the time of casting. Only human, demihuman, and humanoid creatures of man-size or smaller may be affected. The characters can be a mixed group of Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Lawful Evil alignments. The spell will not take effect if any creature of Neutral or Chaotic alignment is included in the group.
Prior to casting, one creature is designated the keystone. There may never be more than one keystone in a group, even if another creature has equal strength.
Upon completion of the spell, all affected characters gain a bonus to damage equal to the keystone's bonus to damage from Strength. Any magical bonuses belonging to the keystone are not added; only the keystone's natural strength is conferred on the group.
This bonus supersedes any bonus a character might normally receive. Thus, a warrior with 16 Strength (a +1 bonus to damage) who benefits from this spell with a keystone who has Strength 18/07 (a damage bonus of +3) gains a total bonus of +3 to damage (not +4 to damage). The keystone receives no bonus.
Affected creatures gain no improvements to THAC0, bend bars/lift gates, or other functions of Strength.
The spell ends if the keystone is killed before the duration expires. The bonus and duration are not affected if a member of the group is killed within the duration of the spell.
Telethaumaturgy (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Numbers
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell requires the priest to perform a numerological analysis of a subject's correct name. The result is that the priest may cast another spell that affects the subject individual at a range much greater than normal. In other words, by gaining deep knowledge of the individual, the priest creates a "channel" to that individual that makes a subsequent spell easier to cast on that subject.
Only certain spells can benefit from telethaumaturgy:
charm person or mammal
detect charm
hold person
know alignment
remove curse*
probability control
confusion (one creature only)
For spells marked with an asterisk (*), telethaumaturgy also increases the range of the reversed spell. Unless indicated, telethaumaturgy does not increase the range of the reversed spells.
The increase in range depends on the level of the priest casting telethaumaturgy:
Thus, a 12th-level priest who has cast telethaumaturgy on an individual could subsequently cast charm person on that individual at a range of 320 yards, rather than the normal range of 80 yards.
A spell to be enhanced by telethaumaturgy must be cast on the round immediately following the completion of telethaumaturgy. Spells that normally affect more than one individual (such as confusion ) will affect only the selected subject when cast following telethaumaturgy.
When telethaumaturgy is cast by a priest of 11th level or higher, it has an additional effect. If the target is within the normal range of the subsequent spell (e.g., 80 yards for charm person), the subject's saving throw suffers a penalty of -2.
Like the personal reading spell, telethaumaturgy functions only if the priest knows the correct name of his subject. If the priest casts the spell using an alias, he will not know that telethaumaturgy has not taken effect until the subsequent spell fails. The priest does not automatically know why the subsequent spell failed (the subject might simply have made a successful saving throw).
The material component is a small book of numerological formulae and notes. This book is different from the book used in personal reading. The book is not consumed in the casting.
Idea, Moment, Sanctify, Choose Future, Line of Protection, Rigid Thinking, Strength of One and Telehaumaturgy are from the Tome of Magic:
Idea (Divination)
Sphere: Thought
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell stimulates the priest's mind to experience a flash of insight. In game terms, the DM reminds the priest's player of a fact or event that has been forgotten, overlooked, or discounted. Thus, the DM might remind the player about an important clue that the priest discovered but the player did not consider significant.
If there are no forgotten facts, the DM may, at his discretion, tell the player of new information relevant to the condition at hand.
The DM must be careful in adjudicating use of this spell. The reminder or information should always be relevant and useful but should not be unbalancing to the situation. The reminder can be cryptic, depending on the DM's campaign.
The material component is a gold coin. This spell can be cast only once in any six hour period.
Moment (Divination)
Sphere: Numbers
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Theoretically, every action has a particular moment at which it will have its greatest possible effect. Using the arcane mathematics of this spell, the priest can determine the "ideal moment" for any single action in each round that the spell is in effect. This action must be performed by a character other than the priest.
In practice, another character informs the priest of an action he wants to undertake in a round. The priest concentrates on the action, then informs the character when the "correct moment" has come. The character then gains a bonus of 20% (+4 on a d20) to the success of his action. The spell can affect only a single action in a given round. When used in combat, the priest can advise the best moment to initiate an action (affecting initiative) or what moment offers the greatest success in striking (affecting the chance to hit).
If the character seeks advice concerning initiative, he gains a -2 modifier to the initiative roll, but only at the cost of -2 on his chance to hit. Characters who seek the best attack frequently delay their actions. These characters suffer a +1 on their initiative roll but gain a +4 on their chance to hit. The spell cannot affect the amount of damage caused, since the act (striking) has already succeeded at that point.
Characters are not obliged to wait for the moment specified by the priest. For example, a fighter might decide that striking first is more important than gaining +4 to hit. The character can act normally, based on his or her unmodified initiative. The character gains no bonus from the moment spell, and the priest can affect no other action in that round.
Noncombat actions can also benefit from the moment spell. For example, a thief planning to climb a wall may wait to start her climb until the priest informs her that the moment is right. If she waits, she gains a bonus of 20% to her Climb Walls roll (in this case, the bonus is subtracted from her roll).
While concentrating on this spell, the priest can take no other action. A break in the priest's concentration--taking damage in combat, for example--terminates the spell instantly.
The material component is a set of three silver dice, which the priest tosses in his hand while concentrating on the spell. The dice are not consumed in the casting.
Sanctify (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible
Sphere: All
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10 yard 0 10 yard square/priest
Saving Throw: None
This cooperative spell allows the priests to create a beneficial atmosphere within a specified area. Companions of similar alignment to the casters will feel fortified and encouraged while in the sanctified area. The spell can be cast by a single priest or a group of priests.
After casting sanctify, the affected area is imbued with the deity's majesty. For followers of that deity, the area radiates a holy aura. These followers gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against all fear- and charm-based powers. Persons of the same alignment as the caster but of different faiths gain a +1 to saving throws. The effect applies only as long as the characters remain in the sanctified area.
Creatures intent on harming the priest or his followers suffer a -1 on saving throws vs. fear and charm when on sanctified ground.
Undead creatures within the area are easier to turn; any priest standing on sanctified ground turns undead as if he were one level higher.
Although this spell can be cast by a single priest, it is most effective when cast by several priests at once. The duration of the spell is equal to one round per level of the caster. When several priests cast the spell, the level of the most powerful priest is used, with two rounds added for every contributing priest. Thus, one 8th-level and three 6th-level priests would give the spell a duration of 14 rounds (8+2+2+2).
Sanctify is often used in conjunction with focus to protect the grounds of a temple or encourage men defending a castle.
The material components are the priest's holy symbol and a handful of dirt from the grounds of an existing temple of the same faith.
The reverse of this spell, defile, functions in an identical manner with respect to saving throws for charm and fear. However, priests standing on defiled ground who attempt to turn undead do so at one level lower than their current level.
The material components for the reverse are the priest's holy symbol and a handful of earth from a grave.
Choose Future (Divination)
Sphere: Time
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
In the round immediately following the casting of this spell, the affected creature is allowed two rolls for any normal attack roll, initiative roll, or saving throw. The affected creature can then choose the roll he prefers.
For example, a priest casts choose future on a warrior companion. In the next round, the warrior attacks an enemy with his sword. The warrior makes two attack rolls instead of one, then chooses which roll will determine the outcome of his attack.
The material components are two grains of sand and a rose petal.
Line of Protection (Abjuration) Reversible
Sphere: Protection
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 30-yard line
Saving Throw: Neg.
This cooperative spell requires at least two priests to cast the spell simultaneously. During the casting, the priests determine whether the line will be stationary or portable.
If the spell is stationary, each priest must inscribe a magical sigil on parallel facing surfaces, such as facing walls of a gatehouse or two tree trunks. If the spell is portable, the priests must stand at each end of the line, thereby anchoring it.
After the spell is cast, a shimmering field of force appears between the two anchors (the sigils or priests). The field is 10 feet high and sparkles with energy. Objects on the opposite side of the translucent field, while recognizable, are hazy and indistinct.
The field causes 1d3 points of damage to all creatures passing through it; evil creatures and undead suffer 1d8 points of damage from the field. Creatures that roll a successful saving throw suffer no damage. Creatures that can fly over the field, burrow under it, or teleport to the other side are immune to damage.
If the spell is cast in its portable form, the priests can move at half their movement rates (limited to the rate of the slower priest). The priests can take no other action, since all their energy is spent in walking and maintaining the field.
Once created, the field cannot be increased or decreased in length and must remain straight. The priests could maneuver by pivoting, but could not walk toward each other or bend the field around a corner. If the line of sight between the two priests is blocked by any object of greater than 5' diameter, the spell immediately fails. Thus, creatures, low walls, young trees, pillars, and similar objects will not disrupt the spell.
As a cooperative spell, several priests can link together to create a longer field. Each priest (or sigil) forms the end of one field and the beginning of another, much like fenceposts. Each section of the spell must extend in a straight line, but the field can be bent at each junction. Four priests could form a long line, a square, or a Z pattern. The restrictions on moving the fields apply as outlined above. The DM may apply movement penalties depending on the complexity of the pattern.
The material components are the priests' croziers, staves, or religious standards, held aloft by each caster.
The reverse of this spell, line of destruction, causes 1d3 damage to all creatures passing through it. It causes 1d8 damage to paladins and creatures of good alignment who pass through it. Creatures that roll a successful saving throw suffer no damage.
Rigid Thinking (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Law
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Rigid thinking can be cast only upon a creature with Intelligence of 3 or greater. The creature is allowed a saving throw to avoid the effects.
The creature affected by rigid thinking is incapable of performing any action other than the activity he is involved in when the spell takes effect. The creature's mind simply cannot decide on another course of action--it becomes frozen into a single thought and cannot change even if new circumstances would suggest otherwise. Thus, a warrior fighting a kobold will ignore the arrival of a beholder, and a thief picking a lock will pay no heed to the arrival of three guards.
The affected creature does not mechanically repeat the action; he is not an automaton. He will not continue to fire his bow at a dragon if he runs out of arrows, but will choose another means of attacking the dragon to the exclusion of all other activities.
A spellcaster in the process of casting a spell when rigid thinking takes effect will not attempt to repeat the spell (unless the spell has been memorized more than once). The spellcaster will, however, devote his attention to the target of that spell until his goal is met (e.g., if the caster were attacking a creature, he would continue to direct attacks at that creature; if the caster were trying to open a door, he would continue to work on the door until it opens).
The spell expires when the creature accomplishes his goal (i.e., the kobold is killed or the lock is opened) or when the duration of the spell has ended.
Strength of One (Alteration)
Sphere: Law
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 2d6 rounds
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature+1creature/2 levels
Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell on a group of lawful creatures, the priest imbues each creature with a Strength bonus equal to that of the strongest creature in the group. To be affected by the spell, all creatures must touch the hand of the priest at the time of casting. Only human, demihuman, and humanoid creatures of man-size or smaller may be affected. The characters can be a mixed group of Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Lawful Evil alignments. The spell will not take effect if any creature of Neutral or Chaotic alignment is included in the group.
Prior to casting, one creature is designated the keystone. There may never be more than one keystone in a group, even if another creature has equal strength.
Upon completion of the spell, all affected characters gain a bonus to damage equal to the keystone's bonus to damage from Strength. Any magical bonuses belonging to the keystone are not added; only the keystone's natural strength is conferred on the group.
This bonus supersedes any bonus a character might normally receive. Thus, a warrior with 16 Strength (a +1 bonus to damage) who benefits from this spell with a keystone who has Strength 18/07 (a damage bonus of +3) gains a total bonus of +3 to damage (not +4 to damage). The keystone receives no bonus.
Affected creatures gain no improvements to THAC0, bend bars/lift gates, or other functions of Strength.
The spell ends if the keystone is killed before the duration expires. The bonus and duration are not affected if a member of the group is killed within the duration of the spell.
Telethaumaturgy (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Numbers
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell requires the priest to perform a numerological analysis of a subject's correct name. The result is that the priest may cast another spell that affects the subject individual at a range much greater than normal. In other words, by gaining deep knowledge of the individual, the priest creates a "channel" to that individual that makes a subsequent spell easier to cast on that subject.
Only certain spells can benefit from telethaumaturgy:
charm person or mammal
detect charm
hold person
know alignment
remove curse*
probability control
confusion (one creature only)
For spells marked with an asterisk (*), telethaumaturgy also increases the range of the reversed spell. Unless indicated, telethaumaturgy does not increase the range of the reversed spells.
The increase in range depends on the level of the priest casting telethaumaturgy:
Level Range | Multiplier |
1-6 | x2 |
7-11 | x3 |
12-16 | x4 |
17+ | x5 |
Thus, a 12th-level priest who has cast telethaumaturgy on an individual could subsequently cast charm person on that individual at a range of 320 yards, rather than the normal range of 80 yards.
A spell to be enhanced by telethaumaturgy must be cast on the round immediately following the completion of telethaumaturgy. Spells that normally affect more than one individual (such as confusion ) will affect only the selected subject when cast following telethaumaturgy.
When telethaumaturgy is cast by a priest of 11th level or higher, it has an additional effect. If the target is within the normal range of the subsequent spell (e.g., 80 yards for charm person), the subject's saving throw suffers a penalty of -2.
Like the personal reading spell, telethaumaturgy functions only if the priest knows the correct name of his subject. If the priest casts the spell using an alias, he will not know that telethaumaturgy has not taken effect until the subsequent spell fails. The priest does not automatically know why the subsequent spell failed (the subject might simply have made a successful saving throw).
The material component is a small book of numerological formulae and notes. This book is different from the book used in personal reading. The book is not consumed in the casting.