Post by Daos on May 15, 2018 11:30:03 GMT -8
Ladonna Marche (Outside the Buho Inn) "No, no," Liala says, tucking her ears back under her hair before they re-enter. "I don't want anything bad to happen to him. Besides, he might change his mind once I become human. But thanks, though."
Theronymous P. Wiggledigit (Buho Inn, Common Room) Drundor and Thessila are having a low conversation when Theron approaches. "Oh, morning, lad," Drundor answers. He shakes his head. "No, we hoped Jherek would be back before the festival, but it doesn't look like it. He went on a hunting trip a few days ago, right out of the blue. Took us both by surprise."
"Probably just wanted some time alone," Thessila speculates. "He hasn't really been the same since the Bloody Spear incident."
Katya and Lillian (Buho Inn, Common Room) "No," Silas admits. "I just have contacts there. Uh, mercantile ones, I mean."
"Once, years ago," Rebekkah says. "Just passing through. I wouldn't compare an entire county to a simple village, though. It's apples and oranges. Every village has its similarities and differences to others, I suppose."
Post by Ezeze on May 15, 2018 13:39:46 GMT -8
"I suppose not" Katya cedes Rebekkah's point. "Though it's not as if I have anything else to compare it to. The Bloody Spear incident was the furthest I've ever been from home."
"Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to change that, eventually."
Post by HorizonsDream on May 15, 2018 16:38:51 GMT -8
"I still believe that he should learn a lesson," Ladonna says. "But I'll respect your wishes. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day," she says just as she re-enters the inn.
Post by Daos on May 16, 2018 8:48:05 GMT -8
"Oh? Planning to do some traveling?" asks Rebekah. "I heard you can use a sword. You'll need it. Lots of coin, too. Travel is not cheap."
Ladonna and Liala step back into the inn just as the kohen steps up onto the stage and starts coughing loudly to get everyone's attention. Once the crowd quiets down, he begins to speak. "Morning to you all, and a happy Harvest Festival. As you know, today is Rockday, but as today is also the festival, that means no service this morning. But there is still something I wanted to share with you all. Buho is surely blessed by Gonto, and not just because of the good harvest this year. But also because She has seen fit to increase my own power, to help me in keeping the flock on the right path. I have been gifted with a new spell, one that will help eliminate crime for good." He pounds his fist into his hand for emphasis. There is a lot of murmuring back and forth at this announcement. Rorak waits a bit for it to die down, then continues.
"This new spell compels people to tell the truth. That's right, no longer will we need to rely on hard evidence to convict criminals, but now we can compel them to confess their own crimes to us. You needn't worry about having your purse cut this festival, or ever again! Justice and truth will always be served here in Buho. Praise Gonto!" The audience applauds, happy to hear this news.
Post by Ezeze on May 16, 2018 9:08:20 GMT -8
Katya applauds politely, same as everyone else, her face carefully blank.
That's not good. What a horrific breech of privacy.
It occurs to her to take a moment and scan the crowd, looking for the people who are reacting to this news poorly.
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Post by GravityEmblem on May 16, 2018 10:43:29 GMT -8
Lillian raises an eyebrow at the kohen's declaration. Even for worshippers of Gonto, this is going a bit too far, she thinks.
Post by HorizonsDream on May 16, 2018 15:00:05 GMT -8
Ladonna seems surprised upon hearing the news, but she claps along with the rest of the crowd. As she doesn't commit crimes, she doesn't see how this really affects her in any way.
Post by Daos on May 17, 2018 11:47:19 GMT -8
Katya and Lillian (Buho Inn, Common Room) Looking around the room, the first person she notices looking worried is Silas. But then, he already looked like that, so it's not clear if this news has upset him or if he's just still upset from whatever happened a few minutes ago.
Rebekah appears...concerned. She doesn't have much of a visible reaction, but the corners of her mouth turn downward ever so slightly at the news, despite the fact she applauds all the same.
Post by Ezeze on May 17, 2018 13:50:04 GMT -8
"What an interesting thing to announce at a festival" Katya observes.
"The Council passes judgment on most minor crimes, doesn't it?" Katya asks Rebekah. "The ones beneath the attention of Ser Walls, anyway. Do you think you'll be calling on Kohen Hedra to verify testimony frequently?"
Post by HorizonsDream on May 17, 2018 21:49:23 GMT -8
Ladonna approaches Rebekah, Katya, and Silias after hearing the news. "So does that mean that if someone commits a crime, they aren't going to need physical evidence anymore?" she asks the group.
Post by notARobot on May 18, 2018 8:40:35 GMT -8
Upon hearing the kohen's announcement, Theron does his absolute best to control his reaction. Slow, steady breaths, he tells himself as he focuses his attention on each individual muscle in his body and, one by one, forces them to relax. Swallowing the lump that has suddenly appeared in his throat, he remembers he's still talking to Jherek's parents. Some part of his distantly remembers them saying that he'd recently left on a hunting trip. "Oh. Okay, thanks," he responds absently, before walking away. He finishes his ale as he walks, then trots up to the bar to order another. As he's handing over the silver to complete this transaction, he spots Acolyte Ryan McIntyre sitting by himself with a mug of his own. "Hey buuuuuudy," Theron says amicably as he approaches him. Theron takes a seat next to the young cleric and says, "So, uh, that thing that Kohen Hedra was just talking about...being able to force people to tell the truth and confess bad things that they've done? Does Gonto really give him the power to do something like that? I'm, uh, asking for a friend."
Post by Daos on May 18, 2018 9:13:16 GMT -8
Ladonna, Katya and Lillian (Buho Inn, Common Room)"It seems most likely," Rebekah responds, turning her attention back to Katya. "The kohen attends every trial and council meeting anyway, and his words carry great weight with the council. More so now, I would imagine."
After Ladonna approaches and asks her question, Rebekah answers, "A confession of crime is evidence, as far as the council is concerned."
Ryan and Theron (Buho Inn, Common Room)Judy, Ryan's mother who is sitting with him, beats the acolyte to the punch by giving her own answer. "A priest of Gonto cannot tell a lie, so there's no reason to doubt Kohen Rorak if he says he can," she says. "But it is possible, I've seen it before. My husband can do it; it's very useful for interrogating infidels. In fact, I've heard stories of even stronger spells than that. They also say the paladins of Gonto can immediately sense when someone speaks a lie, even without a spell."
Post by HorizonsDream on May 18, 2018 13:20:31 GMT -8
"Hmm," Ladonna says. She looks over the group that she joined. "How are you three today?" she asks pleasantly.
Post by Daos on May 19, 2018 9:42:44 GMT -8
Ladonna, Katya and Lillian (Buho Inn, Common Room) "Well enough," Rebekah answers. "Was Liala all right? I was going to go after her myself, before I saw you follow her."
Post by HorizonsDream on May 19, 2018 15:02:32 GMT -8
"Um, well she has calmed down," Ladonna admits. "I think I was able to bring her a little comfort."